Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spastic torpedo

My arms are a bit stiff this morning. Ran into some jagged waves in the kayak yesterday - steely, blue-back, broken-glass waves. I'm still fresh at this, but getting stronger. I felt like I was riding a spastic torpedo. A spastic torpedo in slow motion. It was an amazing feeling to be my own power, to be playfully roughened up, and roughly muscle myself through it. Whooping and wobbly and wet! And almost dauntless.

Yessir, yesterday was damn fine. I don't think I've ever had so many people wish me a happy birthday, and for it to be such a given that a happy day I would have, all wishes aside.
Clung starfish-style to some sunny rocks for a good while in the morning. Then had a great talk with my bosom friend (yes, it's a nerdy A of GG reference) on phone in hammock. Decided to skip the hike because hell, my legs didn't feel like it, and went out on Bike instead. Ended up at my ceremony meadow, dozed off, and then ate cherries. Kayaked with my sister who brought me flowers. Then dinner with fam, and a coconut cake with -YES- chocolate icing and (hurray!) a GOOD sleep.

These are 2 deer (pic by ma) of the 5 that seem to live with us. The baby is growing fast. The bigger pretty girl is so gentle and brave, she'll eat right out of my hand, even when it's right beside my face. She nuzzled my cheek the other day. Had such a lovely wet nose, bristly chin... and that hot horse-breath that is so oddly humbling.

I have big plans for this year and ever after. Just wait. Torpedo!


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