I'm sitting on my bed, and this is what I'm looking at. I get really jealous of myself when I'm in the city. My bedroom has a door to the outside, and it's always open, so I feel like I'm inside a really really big and kingly tent. But I might take a tent down to the rocky bluffs at the end of the yard sometime when I want to feel less kingly.
I'm taking today off. Just feel maxed out after 3 days of going into town in a row. Maybe that's just a perfect healthy amount. I work 4 days a week so maybe it's even better if I do two on, one off, two on, two off.
I've realized that my goal of writing a song a day is perhaps a bit unrealistic. I wrote a verse of lyrics yesterday, but was too sleepy on the boatride home to finish. Just too burnt out from the city to write a tune. New goal: set realistic goals.
My Dad just invited me upstairs for 'second breakfast' on the deck. It's a bit of a strange arrangement, I admit. Living here with my folks, each of us kind of separate. One day I'll try to explain it. Anyhow, in my family, we like breakfasts. Especially in the summertime. Because berries and fruit are so good with anything. Yogourt. Crunchy cereal. Oatmeal. And toast is also so good with everything. Jam and nut butters. Eggs. Cheese. Coffee, tea. These are all breakfast foods!
Now, because I also really love to get up super early, I'm proposing the following schedule:
-5:00am - first breakfast (perhaps oatmeal) w/ caffeine
-9:00am - second breakfast (berries and some kind of dairy) w/ caffeine
-1:00pm - third breakfast (eggs and toast and watermelon and pineapple) w/ caffeine
-5:00pm - dinner (fourth breakfast disguised)
-9:00pm - bed!
Am I really alone on wanting this?
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