This morning I left without my new music mix. Argh! I remembered just in time, hesitated about going back (already was late) and then thought, Screw it. I want that music. This decision felt good.
When I walked into my apartment lobby, a little reward was waiting for me:
A beautiful purple orchid!
Beside it, a piece of paper that said, "I need a home with lots of sun. Please adopt me and care for me." I scooped it up, and took it upstairs. A present just for me!
The orchid is a beautiful creature, all right. But I have to say, the hydrangea is giving me the most pleasure these days. My walking route is completely lined with bursting hydrangea blooms, in all colours. They are as gorgeous as anything alive on this earth!
Now, about the frogs. I have always felt an affinity with frogs. Always felt that I was a frog, in a good disguise. People always seem to fall for this disguise, but I can't shake the fear that I will be seen for what I really am one of these days. (Princess when kissed turns into a Frog.)
I learned today that studies have been conducted on frogs to learn more about body image dismorphia. I wonder who thought of frogs? At any rate, scientists have discovered that people who suffer from severe body dismorphia (ie. anorexics) don't just emotionally see themselves inaccurately in the mirror... they actually hallucinate.
I would like to find this study, because I truly am curious about this. I also am beginning to fear for frogs round the world. Do they, too, suffer from a terrible body image? We use frogs as an icon of ugliness in our culture. Perhaps we've trampled all over their little hearts.
Frogs aside, I don't do very well with mirrors any more. I've covered up my big mirror (in my soon-to-be-ex-apartment) with pieces of paper so I can only see my neck and head. It's too much of a torment. I don't think I'm hallucinating, but I absolutely can't see myself as anything other than... (negative, negative, negative, etc.) Yet. Yet.
It's my last week in Kitsilano. It's a hot summer day. If I was on Bowen I would strip down, flake out in something scant and comfy. In my apartment, the sheer proximity to Kits beach and all the glossy bodies makes me too uncomfortable to change. Ribbit! Ribbit!
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