See those piano keys up top? Oh yeah, those. I play those things. But sometimes I forget!
Today I remembered that it's good for me to try to write a few bars at least every day. A few bars really is not pressure-full. It's when I try to string them together that it gets tricky.
So how's this: at least every other day, every day if I'm home, I'm gonna write a new core idea for a song. I like the one I wrote this evening. It has a LH pattern that modulates in minor 3rds - I really love that sound - but I have to be careful not to overuse it. It's fun to write songs with little rules made up on the spot... like, "Can't use my 5th or 3rd fingers, and I'm gonna change each chord by moving the bottom note up a minor third, the middle note up a minor second, and the top note down a major third" or something like that. Sometimes I play with rocks on the keys, and that's fun, because it imposes certain limitations. And also makes an awesome percussive clattery sound.
Aarh- am being molested by mosquito! This reminds me of my middle-of-the-night insect torment in Penticton. I know I digress, but listen to this... I was heading to bed, and noticed a big red bug on the wall. I didn't know what it was - he was kind of weird looking, bright red with transluscent wings. Anyways, I didn't have a glass to put him outside with, so I just said, "Okay bug, we're cool, right?" and went to bed. (I like to give bugs the benefit of the doubt unless I can identify them as things that will bite me.) I was later awakened by a scorching pain on my lip. I sat bolt upright, cussing and holding my mouth. "Mother fucker!" I looked in the mirror- big red welt on my upper lip. I knew who was responsible, and I was mad and bloodthirsty. I couldn't find him anywhere and almost gave up, pulled back my blankets, and there he was. Mean and red... and soon really dead. But can you believe that? Not only did he sting me after I had called a truce, but he stung me on my sleeping lip! Such a violation!
I've got ample energy to write this evening. Probably because I ate a whole bunch of smarties. Smarties are kind of my ultimate nostalgic childhood sweets. I'm not very stable with food still... it's hard to kick the part of me that thinks it might all be gone tomorrow. No more candy, no more calories, no more yummy treats. Just seaweed and broth and steamed greens. I kind of inhaled the smarties. And now I'm feeling baaaad and very plump. But I'm trying not to punish myself. I'm not a bad person. People eat smarties- and sometimes too many! Right?
My walk home was so good. I had some music today for the walk...
If I'm walking on cement, then I like to have a sound track. It's my best listening time - I can focus so so much better when I'm moving and looking around me. And I love how music colours the scenery. When I'm walking in the forest, though, I never listen to music. Unless it's soft enough to be able to hear all the forest and creature sounds, water, wind, etc. Today I listened to some Oliver Schroer solo violin and then, randomly, some Yann Tiersen piano. I love this. I love it because music becomes another forest sound - another green thing that is growing. And it feels like it's just music in my head that is happening because of what's around me. This is the best when I'm listening to, say, Brahms or Mozart, cause I feel like I'm living a few moments of a dead composer's life... You should try it. It's all very quiet, and then Mahler's 5th starts to play, and you're Mahler walking through the woods, hearing this melody and spinning it into a symphony right there, under the trees.
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