Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Lobster

I needed 2 more credits to finish my degree a few years ago, so I took a painting class. I was very bad at it. Painting is unbelievably hard to do. (Well, obviously.) But you just can't understand how hard until you've tried it for a while. I kept a couple of pieces as a reminder that I was not born for the visual arts. But I don't like accumulating stuff, and during today's impromptu room-purge, I decided the Lobster has to go. That's what I call this painting: "The Lobster."

This painting, though less offensive to the senses, is also saying goodbye. There's one little tree in the painting that I like, and it was an accident. It was painted from a beautiful photo of a beautiful day, and the memory I have of that day is much happier left alone. At least I passed the painting class, and learned that acrylic paints are super fun, as long as there is no expectation of them revealing any hidden talent buried deep within me.
Heh heh.

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