Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Orpheus IV

It was black and starry when Orpheus suddenly woke. The bears were snoring softly, and everything was still. He shivered, soaked in sweat, and waited for his heart to slow. He had been dreaming about the Mountains. They were crumbling down upon him, and all the little huts were on fire. Closing his eyes, he remembered standing at the edge of a huge canyon, a mile deep. There was a wire stretched across - a mile long - and he had to cross this canyon, paw-over-paw, by dangling over the precipice. Someone was pushing him and he was arguing, "No, I'm just going to jump." Then, with a devastating sound, the highest Mountain peak had broken off, and slowly tumbled down towards them. In terror he had fled and found himself alone in the burning village.
Orpheus stood and changed out of his sodden robes. He wrapped himself in his cloak, took out his mirror, and placed it over his heart. He waited, holding the image of the shattering cliffs in his mind. Nothing happened. He looked in the mirror; his anxious face looked back at him. With a heavy sigh of relief, he lay back down and attempted sleep.


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