Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I"m back on my A-game. Or at least my B-game. I have to give credit where credit is due, and say that Cocoa, my new chocolate-lab/pitbull-cross buddy, has brightened my day. She's one great dog. Serene and gentle, but big and strong. It's such a good thing to have an animal relying on you to take them outside at least twice a day. Our walk this evening was fantastic. I forget how much I like walking at night... there's some trick of the lighting or the hour that makes me feel a bit like I'm gliding over the ground, faster than I could ever walk. Everything looks softer in the dark, and there's a kind of comfortable relief in the air that the day is over, and things are quiet again.
Another cheering event: today I bought a book. That's right- a fiction book. A book for entertainment and enjoyment. This, to combat the compulsion to always be doing something purposeful. Sometimes I feel itchy with the sense that I am not making use of my time or working hard enough on myself or my music... that I ought to use my free time to work on some lyrics and harmonies, read something philosophical, bash out some more goals, etc. But I am going to ease off this compulsivity. Sometimes you have to just sit back and let the seeds you've planted do their thing. And also: reading is one of the great pleasures of life.
Cheering honorable mention: I'm whittling down my t.c.b. list. Hoo-boy, how hard it is to get to the t.c.b., but how good it feels to get it done. T.c.b. = 'taking care of business'. Eg. Took the car in for the rear-ender repairs. Got the bloodwork done. Returned the long-overdue emails. Took back the clothes I bought too hastily, and so on. Getting 'er done! And knocking off those tedious tasks got me launched on a project I've been fantasizing about for years... More on this another time.
Finally, I've set my next FNC - for Saturday night, which feels good. And tomorrow evening I get to go back to my island home and stretch my legs on those nice soft pine-needle carpets. Truly, no complaints.


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