Well, the wind is up again, and it's extreme. Here on Bowen it's known as "the squamish"... it comes roaring down Howe Sound all the way from the Arctic, down through the Interior, 80 km/h and freezing cold! We live close to the most exposed and wind-beaten point of the island, so we're feeling it full force. It's absolutely howling out there - the windows are rattling, things are crashing around the house... the power situation is touch and go.
But it gives me comfort to think that if a tree comes down on top of me in the night, at least I'll die warm and comfy in my bed, having lived a good life. :)
I loved the weather today though. Had a fantastic walk in the morning around the cove - the air crisp as an apple. Later, in town, I noticed that the streets felt empty, deserted almost. Paper cut-out mountains, the roads ghostly pale... it was a bit surreal. Like 6am on a holiday.
Just can't get over how much warmer I am this winter. So snug in my down coat. Makes me really happy to be aware of my well-stoked fire keeping me warm. I often think of the amusing irony that I could probably handle Jan and Feb in Vancouver this year - now that I've planned my escape. Well, hell. What can I do? Hawaii is already booked and paid for... I'll get through it somehow.
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