Sunday, November 7, 2010

some necessary acknowledgments

Here are some of the great things about living where I do:
1. Coming home from the city: It's so dark when I get home (and I always forget my flashlight) that I have to walk slowly, feeling the ground with my feet before each step down the long black driveway. I always get a little thrill of fear from the total darkness. And it jolts me out of my city haze back into reality.
2. I don't spend any money over here. I don't think about things I want to buy - I don't get object envy. The build-up of material wants from the city just dissolves when I step off the boat.
3. People smile and wave when they pass you in a car. They smile and say hello when they pass you on the trail. I feel like I actually belong to this place, but I also have a comfortable anonymity.
4. There are no distractions or empty fillers here for me. A day off feels long and luxurious, full of quiet and space. It feels like there is ample time to both work and to relax - I practiced for hours today, and went for a long walk, and had a nap, and read my book, and still the evening is young.
5. The ocean is just right there. Right there.
6. I can walk out my door and smell all my favourite things about life in one big gulp of air. Rain, woodfires, ocean, wet leaves, pine...
7. I never give any thought to how I look or what I'm wearing. I never feel inadequate or self-conscious when I'm out - and you can tell most everyone feels the same. It's completely the opposite from being in town.
8. Even though I mostly keep to myself, I know there's a lot of community I could get involved with, if I chose to. I don't feel isolated.
9. Beauty is thick and lush everywhere and I see deer and ravens and eagles and all kinds of creatures everyday. There's so much nature, that creativity is just a given.
10. Silence. I get to hear SILENCE !!



  1. I'm totally with you on every one of those things. Thumbs up!

  2. You just summed up the delight so many of us feel living here... we are indeed blessed.

  3. Great list of why bowen is great. The commute is hard but worth it. Thanks for summing up why so well.
