Sunday, November 14, 2010


Big lungfuls of misty forest air - mmm! It's like a dream out there. Ma mere took this shot a couple days ago. So magic!
So, this man I barely know somehow found out about my last CD, gave it a surprising amount of attention, and recently sent me a message about it. He gave me some really honest feedback, which I appreciate.

"... I even uploaded the album to my Ipod, thinking that repeated listenings would enable me to better appreciate it.... with mixed results.... I haven't really changed my position... certainly, you have a wonderful voice.... but... um... I still find your musical idiom... a little distressing."

Funny, eh? I don't think anyone has ever listened to my lyrics so analytically before. He said he found them 'disturbing.' Most people don't pay much attention to my lyrical content - certainly don't take the words too seriously. I'm pleased that somebody really delved into my songs. It's an honour. Even if, in the end, I've won a critic and not a fan.
Which reminds me: Art should provoke thought and feeling, not just admiration.

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