Wednesday, March 9, 2011

breathing in the forest, and work to do

Rain, morning.
Two airplanes and three airports coming home = instant viral attack. I've been fighting it off these last couple days. Today I intend to kick this cold to kingdom come. Neti pot, salt water gargles, vitamin C and 50 cups of lemon tea... No contest.
It's been a whirlwind since I landed in Vancouver, so I have not yet had a chance to get out in the forest. I'm pretty excited to jump into my rubber boots and see what the firs and ferns are up to these days. I wonder if the skunk cabbage is peaking through the mud yet. Is it too early for fiddleheads? I wonder who will have fuzzy fingertips or pink pregnant blossom bellies, and what birds I will see and hear.
When I come back, a hot bath. Mmm, a hot bath. Wear in McCarthy's Crossings some more. (I love a book all ruined by good times. A pristine book has lived a dull life. My big tome of Steinbeck shorts is crinkly with salt water and papaya juice and still peppered with sand. Crime & Punishment, The Sun also Rises, The Secret Agent - all sun-bleached, wine-dabbled, cock-eyed beach bums.)
Then the piano. Too many ideas, some overwhelm-ment of what to do with them all, and how to get them down before they evaporate. Working out a new technique that has a 'phasing' effect, Steve Reichesque - makes the piano sound like more than one instrument. Several new pieces on the go, trying to match up lyrics with melodies, and old pieces coming back in new ways. Had an idea for the piece I wrote for vibraphone a couple years ago - and was kind of shocked to discover that I'd lost the damn thing. I had several copies. Not any more. Waiting to see if the friend I gave a copy to still has it...
Trying to find a photographer cause I need some promo shots, whether I like it or not. I put an ad in Craigslist. 17 responses so far, and not one person that can write even 3 decent grammatically-correct sentences. Isn't that bizarre and scary? Is it wrong of me to judge a photographer by her English usage?
It's time to do a solo-gig circuit. I love a good BC roadtrip. My goal is to book 4 out-of-town weekend gigs before May. Urk, is that feasible? I don't know. Worth a shot. I also have to get busy with some grant writing and find me a publicist, STAT. And book all the flights and accommodations and car and gear rentals for the May tour. Apply for all the summer island festivals. Line up a bunch of rehearsals. And practice my ass off. Something a Dharma teacher said once stuck with me, a quote from some venerable monk: "You are perfect just as you are. And, there is work to do."


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