This is looking out from a cave I mentioned once before. I love caves! Remember the book, "Hatchet" by Gary Paulson? I loved that book when I was a kid. Small plane goes down in the middle of Canadian wilderness. Boy survives. Has nothing but a hatchet. Lots of close encounters with scary animals, starvation, all the usual thrilling elements of wilderness survival! Anyhow, I seem to remember that he finds a cave on the beach to live in. This is what I imagine it looks like from inside his cave.
8:30pm is Earth Hour - so all power off! I really love this idea, and think we should all do it once a week at least. I can't decide what I'm going to do. Just read in candlelight? Write in my journal? Go sit outside in total darkness? Crouch in the cave and try to build a fire? Stand on the roof and howl at the moon? Fun times!
Woke up to that summer-brightness again this morning. I have one of the world's Great Views from my bed. Ocean, trees, mountains. And I swear I just can't get over how the feeling of spring makes everything look different. I am going to talk about this a lot, I'm afraid. I get way too excited when winter retreats. Best to stop reading the blog from here on in if you're starting to get bored with it.
I'm in good spirits today, rather glad to be on Bowen and not in St. Louis, where I hear they are still frozen solid. Ugh. I'm quite excited to go check out the little lambs today, and a particular beach I haven't been to in a while. Funny how I've got this compass inside me that often just points at where I need to go, any day that the sun is out. Without even having to think about it, I instinctively feel a part of the island calling to me. Tally-ho!
I think I'm just prattling now, and I could keep prattling for a long time, like a happy kid. But I'd better get my practice in before I head outside.
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