Thursday, February 9, 2012


Not half an hour after I wrote that last blog I started to feel a bit off..... and an hour after that, I was making sick like crazy. I don't know if it was food-poisoning, or a trace of tap water accidentally consumed, or some tropical bug - it seemed to just come from nowhere. It was an absolutely horrible night, my body purging every last drop of my stomach's contents. And yesterday was the same. I couldn't keep anything down and my whole abdomen hurt like crazy. Kind of scary. The Germans came to the rescue with some mystery medication (they said they'd had the exact same thing) and peppermint tea...
Anyways, I'm attempting little nibbles of food this evening - fingers crossed! I hate feeling so weak like this. Especially hate stomach bugs. Really, really hate throwing up. I'm so glad that I'm not here by myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hoping that you recover quickly.

    Fantastic blogging.

